Construction and Demolition debris collection (C&D) represents an important segment of our solid waste/recycling industry, recognizing that the majority of our waste hauling/recycling members conduct C&D operations, and some specialized companies only offer C&D collection services. As State and local recycling/diversion mandates continue to increase, goal is 75% by 2020, additional emphasis is being placed on this industry segment, in part because of the high recycling amounts being achieved with this material.
By definition, C&D materials include lumber, drywall materials, masonry (brick, concrete, etc.), carpet, plastic, pipe, rocks, dirt, paper, cardboard, or green waste related to land development. C&D materials are estimated to account for between 22-25% of the disposed waste stream. This material is recycled at C&D processing facilities, with average recycling rates at 70% or higher depending on the type of material.
With State diversion/recycling mandates increasing, C&D materials are a key part of the waste stream which must be accurately reported. For local government jurisdictions that are developing programs to meet increasing State requirements CWRA proposes that:
Local jurisdictions develop a two-tier permit system which will allow C&D qualified recyclers/haulers to obtain permits within the jurisdiction. A “qualified” open permit system maintains a competitive program that benefits customers. Because of the specialized nature of C&D removal this does not add trucks to city streets.
A second-tier C&D permit system should be adopted because:
- Jurisdiction knows who is permitted, that they meet established standards, and comply with established rules and regulations.
- Insure permitted haulers are submitting accurate, timely reports.
- Should include types of materials being collected, amounts of materials, and processing destination or disposal.
- Insure permitted haulers are paying their required franchise fees.
- Easier to identify non-permitted C&D companies operating in the jurisdiction. Labeled as “bootleggers”, these companies do not pay franchise fees and in many cases do not follow permit requirements.
- Allows jurisdictions to better serve commercial C&D customers who may have a complaint concerning their service provider.
- Allows jurisdictions to cancel operating permit for non-compliant companies.
- Allows jurisdictions to establish and maintain permit requirements, such as use of alternative fuel vehicles, safety and cleanliness standards, operating hours, etc.