
Our experience,
skills, and expertise. Your profit.

Above all, we believe that real change is possible and that
tomorrow doesn't have to be like today.

The CWRA is comprised of solid waste management companies operating throughout Southern California and predominately in the County of Los Angeles. Many of our members are second and third generations waste haulers and recyclers and have over 100 years of combined expertise.

The Association plays a vital role with our members as we track legislative trends and new regulations that are aimed at improving the environment and creating sustainable communities.

Our members are hardworking and good corporate citizens in the communities where they live and work. The CWRA is an organization of dedicated professionals trained and skilled in providing excellent services at a fair rate.

What We Do

Mission Statement

It is the purpose of the California Waste & Recycling Association, a non-profit industry association, to improve business conditions...
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Organization Info

In early 2017 the Los Angeles County Disposal Association (LACDA) changed it’s name to the California Waste & Recycling Association...
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CWRA provides a variety of services to solid waste industry businesses including the monitoring of legislative and regulatory...
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Expertise & Services

CWRA provides a variety of services to the solid waste industry including the monitoring of legislative and regulatory activities and the advocacy of our members industry positions. This information is communicated to the membership on a regular basis through bulletins, emails, phone calls and monthly meetings.

Membership meetings and seminars are held with speakers of interest to the industry, with the goal of providing information and member interaction with our immediate industry and that of our associates. Members are invited to attend monthly Board of Directors meetings where special speakers may be on the agenda along with an agenda filled with current legislative and regulatory information.

Power in Numbers

Today’s solid waste collectors and innovators work everyday to divert waste from local landfills by recycling waste streams for use in consumer products. From plastics to paper…..from rubber to metals….from rugs, fabrics to electronics….the list of materials separated and recycled from the general waste stream continues to grow. And residual waste is now used as feed stock for various forms of technologies that convert it into useful products and chemicals, green fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol, and clean renewable energy.

As recycling continues to grow and expand the challenges have never been greater. Diminishing markets and falling commodity prices, coupled with huge facility investments are just some of the challenges facing industry. Never have industry associations and public education programs been as critical as now. These changes represent a dramatic evolution in the industry. The CWRA is dedicated to expanding the frontiers of waste recycling and keeping our members at the forefront of progress. CWRA is committed to maintaining a competitive marketplace – providing customers with excellent service at reasonable rates – that will enable our members to rise to all challenges.

Latest News

President’s Message

On behalf of the CWRA solid waste haulers, recyclers, facility owners and operators and our Associate members, whose goods and services support our industry, I welcome you to our industry web site. The purpose of this site is to provide industry members, public officials, and the public with information that is relevant – each of us is a waste generator and is serviced by the industry.

Our Public Outreach Programs include:

Recent Developments – Including Waste Reduction Programs

Existing and Proposed Rules and Regulations

Emerging Trends – New Recycling Programs & Challenges

Read our Mission Statement

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