Company Name:
PreZero US, Inc.
Years in Business:
Four (4) Years - Established in 2015
Service Areas:
Southern California and Phoenix Metro
PreZero US, Inc. is a California based recycling company that strives for zero-waste solutions. The main activities for the company involve designing recycling concepts, creating new raw materials and investing in innovative technologies that support a circular economy.
Year Joined CWRA:
Phone Numbers:
Email Address:
Company Address:
525 S. Hewitt Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Who We Are
We strive for zero-waste solutions and aim to recycle materials so they retain their value and support a circular economy. When we recognize the value of used materials, we keep waste out of landfills and also preserve the resources that new materials would be created from. This is a major key to a more sustainable future.
We also believe in reducing and, eventually, fully eliminating the use of items that have no value and instead promote the use of items that do have value. Subsequently, we advocate for the proper disposal of those items so the materials can be utilized to their full potential. We take a comprehensive approach to the complex problem of waste, in order to create real change.
What We Do
The cornerstone of our work is providing end market solutions to waste generators and collectors. We build and operate state-of-the-art facilities that convert organic waste, plastics and paper into valuable raw materials and commodities.
We work with businesses, waste haulers and cities to help them with their waste diversion. By finding solutions for both large and small volume generators, we create the biggest possible impact for the future.
Going forward, we want to collaborate with partners that share our vision for a clean tomorrow. The ways we collaborate are through strategic buyer and supplier partnerships, joint ventures, investments and acquisitions.
Through these activities PreZero is developing a new benchmark for how recycling is approached in the US.