
Company Name:

MMT Insurance Services

Company Size:

10 Employees

Years in Business:

15 Years - Established in 2006

Service Areas:

California, Nevada, and Idaho


MMT Insurance Services offers complete risk management services, loss control, employee benefits and insurance solutions for businesses and individuals.

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Phone Numbers:

Email Address:


MMT's Mission

To be considered a business partner and asset to our clients, carriers and community by providing quality risk management services, assessment and insurance products, which help to positively impact the safety and profitability of their operations.

Their Approach

Quite often the businesses within a particular industry can differ widely in these areas. Insurance companies understand the risks inherent in a given industry and through diligent actuarial research and analysis, they narrow their focus to the appropriate coverage for their client’s business. This “specialization” benefits the business owner by providing coverage options unique to his or her business and providing pricing appropriate to their risk.


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